Get your Christmas shopping completed in record time!

For the luxurious gift that gives twice, get Silky Kisses pillowcases for Christmas this year. There really isn’t any more thoughtful and luxurious gift.

If you're time poor and are accessing 

the Internet to purchase some of your presents for this year… you're on the right page! You can complete 

your Christmas present shopping here in under 5 minutes just by buying each person on your list a pillowcase.. They all sleep, right?

I love the custom of giving and receiving presents at Christmas. It reminds me how special my family and friends are and how lucky I am to have them in my life. The season brings up the feeling of gratitude..even the roof over my head, my healthy body.. and that exciting anticipation of the delicious Christmasy feast shared with the ones I love..

(Let the countdown begin!)

This holiday season, regardless of our background or culture, let's all be thankful for what we already have and give to those who are less fortunate in any way we can, because giving, whether you're aware of it or not, actually makes you HAPPIER than receiving.

We produce vibrant silk pillowcases which are made with 22 momme 100% mulberry silk charmeuse which is the most gentle, luxurious and softest silk on the market. See more here.

We have 20 BRIGHT colours to choose from which can compliment your home décor and bed linen, or your personality and character type. The decision is yours!

If you're really struggling with the colour choice, it's always best to choose a Gift Voucher. This enables others to have the power in the choice, and you're not left feeling akward if they dislike the colour you chose. The vouchers are easy to print off and add into a card or you can email the voucher to a friend as a surprise. See here for more details!

This gift isn’t a 'standard present'. It's rather a simple idea, but luxurious, and personally thoughtful, and is something tangable which lasts long term. This small soft product will help their skin to become silky and to add shine to their hair. It's like a face and hair 'cream', but in material! Silk has many other incredible benefits, this is only part of the story.

This is a gift which gives TWICE. The profits of the sale from each pillowcase are donated to The Fistula Foundation helping Women with curable obstetric fistula all over the world.

We are unlike any other charity. Often when you donate to a charity organisation, you are left with a simple 'Thankyou' card, knowing what you have done for another human being is spectacular, and it makes you feel good, however there is no gift to you and you are only left with the inside memory. Silky Kisses reminds you each night of the good that's being done around the world, and it's a simple reminder to you as you sleep at night that you have contributed to help save a woman's life.

We hope you enjoy the holiday season by spending time with your beautiful friends and family, and think about how lucky you are with the love that surrounds you.

Have a very Merry Christmas. 

From the Team of Silky Kisses

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