News / relax

The first week of September is Asthma Week!


People suffering from severe allergies and respiratory illnesses do not realise that it may be their bedding that is a contributing factor aggravating their condition. Us, as humans spend one-third of our lives in bed, making it important that our sleep experience is not only peaceful, but healthy.  

Dust mites, pet dander, mould and mildew in our bedding car trigger allergic reactions. The results can be inflamed, congested, and irritated respiratory passages, as well as wheezing, watery eyes, constant sneezing, skin irritations such as eczema, and an uncomfortable sleep. 

The Silky Kisses pillowcase is made from natural silk. Silk is an exceptional hypoallergenic material because it does not support dust mites as it helps by creating an effective barrier against nasty irritants and dander.

Silky Kisses pillowcases are soft, comfortable and luxurious and for people who change in temperature during the night, you can rest assured knowing your pillowcase can regulate your body temperature to alleviate any effects of night sweats and chills that can occur during menopause or when undergoing medical treatments such as chemotherapy or operations. It is all natural and breathable which prevents the accumulation of moisture. A Silky Kisses pillowcase could help people suffering from fibromyalgia to enjoy a more restful and relaxed nights sleep. 


A good night's sleep affects our physical, mental, and emotional health and well being. It improves our energy levels, immune system, and memory  capacity making it vitally important for everyone. 

Knowing some the causes of allergies and how to reduce the conditions that create an allergy prone environment, will help you better control their effects. Using hypoallergenic material when sleeping allows you to get your 8 hours comfortably, resulting in an improved quality of life and health.


People who have asthma have airways that are very twitchy or sensitive. They may react to things that can (that is, make) asthma symptoms start. These things are aptly called, "triggers." When you are near an asthma trigger, your airways may become swollen, tighten up, and produce too much mucus. You may start to wheeze, cough, have congestion, itchy eyes, or a runny nose. It's important to find out what your asthma triggers are and figure out ways to control them.


If you, or someone you love suffers with Asthma, here are some simple ways you can begin to control dust mites, one of the main triggers for an Asthma attack:

  • Dust weekly
  • Sleep on hypoallergenic material
  • Damp wipe mattress cover weekly
  • Reduce clutter, toys and collections in bedroom
  • Place stuffed toys in freezer overnight every week
  • Put your pillow in an airtight cover or wash it every week in hot water
  • Avoid sleeping or lying on upholstered furniture
  • Remove carpets that are laid on concrete
  • Wash your bed covers and clothes every week in hot water
  • Use a dehumidifier
  • Remove carpets and drapes from your bedroom. Use a washable window shade instead
  • Clean or replace heat/air conditioner filter as per manufacturer's instructions, at least once each month.
  • Avoid using a vacuum or being in a room while it is being vacuumed. If you must vacuum, one or more of the following things can be done to reduce the amount of dust you breathe in.


Silk is sympathetic to our bodies needs and works in conjunction with our bodies to help us get what we really want and need - contented, deep sleep.




Pete Malcom, Asthma guides, Sleep easy with Smartsilk Hypoallergenic Bedding,



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Silky smooth hair with Silky Kisses

We care about your Hair!

Wearing a silk hair scarf or silk bonnet to bed isn’t as common as it once was. It was once seen as the simple way to keep your hair beautifully smooth while you slept.

If you don’t fancy the Lucille Ball look then sleeping on a Silky Kisses silk pillowcase will have the same effect along with add a bit of glamour to your bedroom.

Silky Kisses has 20 beautiful silk pillowcase colours to choose from to suit every taste and bedroom. You can view the catalogue here.

The benefits of sleeping on silk have been passed down from generation to generation. Lucille Ball wasn’t wearing this bonnet as a fashion statement, it was the ritual of many women before they went to sleep.

Sleeping on silk has many benefits for your hair:

  • It allows your hair to move freely. Cotton pillowcases cause your hair to bunch, knot, frizz and break. Sleeping on the soft smooth surface of silk is much less damaging to your hair as it allows hair to slide.
  • Silk doesn’t strip the moisture from your hair. It has one of the lowest absorption rates meaning it’s the best option for leaving the moisture in your hair where it belongs. Say goodbye to dry hair and split ends!
  • Sleeping on silk can help to preserve and maintain your hairstyle. The hair treatment and blow-dry you paid all that money for will last a few extra days sleeping on silk.

Silky Kisses silk pillowcases are an affordable piece of luxury that will save you time and money in haircare products and visits to the salon. We treat ourselves to a massage, a facial or even a holiday, so why go another day with bed hair and split ends when you can be sleeping on silk.

The profits from Silky Kisses silk pillowcases go to The Fistula Foundation. This foundation supports underprivileged women with an obstetric fistula from childbirth. They don’t have the means to have the surgery and often go without to provide for their children. Silky Kisses is donating all the profits from its sales to ‘treat’ these women to lifesaving surgery.

Treat yourself, your hair and other women by purchasing a Silky Kisses silk pillowcase.

To purchase a Silky Kisses silk pillowcase, click here.

Have a great silky smooth hair day,

The Silky Kisses Team 


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Silky Kisses price has changed and we want to say Thank You!



You may have noticed our price has changed to $63.

The Silky Kisses team has been working hard this past year to produce beautiful silk pillowcases and donate as much money to our friends at The Fistula Foundation as we possibly can.

Some of you may not know that Silky Kisses donates all its profits to The Fistula Foundation. This Foundation allows women to have lifesaving surgery after childbirth. They go on to live healthy lives and are able to see and support their children grow.

Along with donating all our profits to The Fistula Foundation we strive to provide a fabulous product that is very competitive in the market.

Silky Kisses has 20 stunning silk pillowcase colours unlike any others on the market and the option of a gift voucher. Click here to view our catalogue.

We just wanted to say a big thank you to all our customers as you have made this price change so much easier than expected.

This has allowed us to continue supporting The Fistula Foundation and keep our beautiful silk pillowcases in production for many years to come.

Many of you are our friends on Facebook or follow us on Instagram and Pinterest already. If you are not already following us, start now to keep in the loop on all our fantastic give-aways, competitions, updates on new products and see some beautiful colour collections that are in the works.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Silky Kisses Team XX

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